Wednesday, February 4, 2009

When work and worship aren't in sync...

Tonight was our mid-week Jr. high program... SPLAT.... and as I went through my day I was not prepared for God to take my lesson for these grades 6-7-8 students and rock my world with it. To be honest, today was just one of those days. From my computer programs not working, to people just popping by to chat,to getting distracted with things... it was a very rushed day, especially in preparation for my lesson. I'm sure you can all relate to this kind of a day in some way shape or form. We've all had them. Here's the catch. My lesson for tonight was from Luke 10:38-42... the story of Mary and Martha...As I talk with students... of all ages... whether they be Jr. Highers, high school or college, they all have one thing in common.... they're busy! It doesn't seem to matter how old you are anymore... people are busy!!! Sports, school, committees, friends, relationships, jobs, families... and the list goes on and on. Now don't get me wrong... all these things in and of themselves aren't bad...but the question I ask is " Are we too busy for God?"As I studied Luke 10 today, I saw this story in a whole new light. I have read, and heard this story explain dozens of times... but one thing I can't recall anyone mentioning in a Sunday School lesson or Bible Study was Martha wasn't the "bad guy" here. So often we look at this story and can easily point out that Martha was the one in the wrong.... but why? I find it interesting that the desire of both of them was to please Jesus.... but they went about it in different ways... Martha chose to work, well Mary chose to worship. Now I don't think Jesus was upset with Mary's heart in trying to prepare things, but catch what He said... " You're distracted with doing all these things in preparation.... and really, only one thing is necessary." What is that one thing? ... to sit at the feet of Jesus ; to learn from Him. Now I believe this ( and I had to clarify this with my Jr. Highers :), so as to not give them an excuse to NEVER to serve ever again) that our worship, our spending time with the Lord, should be our motivation, and it creates a passion for us to want to work for him, but when we let the work get in the way of the worship.... we can get in big trouble.Being new to "ministry", I already find this to be true. I read a quote once that went like this.."If my output exceeds my input, then my upkeep, will be my downfall." Pretty awesome eh? If my output (what I'm doing for the Lord) exceeds my input (what I'm taking in, spending time in the Word and talking to God, being in christian fellowship) then my upkeep ( trying to keep my life going, trying to keep things going) doing that will be my downfall. In this passage I see that we have a choice. To be life Martha... distracted with so many things... or to be like Mary and sit at the feet of Jesus and learning.... who are you?As I think about this passage, I find myself here, and I'm sure a lot of you do to. Being busy with our everyday lives, being busy with ministry, being busy with work.... being busy , which hinders our worship. What's more important... work , for God, or worship, of God.... I'm pretty sure He lays it on the line pretty straight forward, but the question remains what am i going to do about it... what am I going to do with this truth?


  1. Ah Betty! So refreshing you are! Good thoughts in there! And so true that we are all so busy these days. How is it that we can sometimes only find a few minutes for the Lord when there is 24HOURS in a day?! That doesnt make sense to me but I know that I am guilty of it over and over! Thanks for the challenge today!

  2. your so smart...see i knew you'd be so good at this blogging thing and that you will say stuff people will find interesting...good post very refreshing to read and a good reminder!!

  3. WOW! and you said your jelouse of the people who can be so heatfelt and open on thier blogs and WOW this is pretty much as open and heartfelt as it gets! impressive!♥

  4. Totally gonna creep your blog from now on... Woot woot!

  5. God says we are to give one tenth of everything we have. we apply this principle to our finances, but imagine what could happen if we applied this to our time management as well? devote ten percent of our time each day to our Father...

    ps. i want you to make my blog pretty like yours!
